This is gonna be a long post – sorry! I decided to just pay $50 to get a new hard drive for my computer, rather than buy a whole new computer – even though my screen is totally messed up and my battery is useless. So I’m back in business for blogging!
Someone had a birthday last week. Not sure who it was, but we had a fun day celebrating! We spent the morning at the aquatic center. You’ll thank me for not posting any pictures of that. We’re all so white it’s scary! After that we had lunch, and Jared and I did some shopping while Daniel was sleeping. Then we came home, picked up Daniel and went out to dinner. The kids love it when we go on dates because they eat cereal for dinner. After we were done, we grabbed the kids and went for a special treat. There’s a local food place in town that fills a sink with soft serve ice cream, bananas, toppings, and whipped cream. They told us it’s around a gallon of ice cream…but they don’t measure, so no one really knows.
We thought that with 7 people we could easily finish it off. If you do, you get your picture taken and earn a place in the “We Cleaned the Sink” Hall of Shame Fame.
Daniel sure pulled his weight. He would have eaten (and then spit up) all night long!
Unfortunately, Josh has developed an aversion to ice cream since he threw up after eating 24-ounces of ice cream all by himself! Five bites into the sink and he was complaining that he needed to throw up. So he spent most of his time in the bathroom (no throwing up) and complaining about watching everyone else eat.
Emily added her personal touch with a little bit of art work on the side of the sink.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to finish. That was a lot of ice cream and we were stuffed!! And, believe it or not, that was waaaay cheaper than taking everyone to Twizzleberry!
On our way out, Caleb saw the rows of newspaper racks (?? – those bin-like-things that you put a quarter in and open the door to retrieve your paper) and exclaimed, “Video games!!!” A couple walking in chuckled and the guy said, “That’s OK buddy. They tricked me too!” Love me some Caleb-isms!!
On Tuesday we had swimming performance day for Josh, Rachel and Caleb. I brought Emily and Daniel – against my better judgement – so I didn’t get many pictures. It was unbearably hot and Daniel was miserable. The kids did a great job. Josh is becoming quite the swimmer. I think maybe he should aim for the swim team in high school.
This year he learned the breast stroke, the butterfly, and how to do an underwater summersault off the wall. During the performance they were supposed to stand where they were and do a summersault. Josh misunderstood and took off down the the pool as fast as he could and did his summersault off the wall – just like what you see in the Olympics. I was in awe, and all the other parents were oohing and ahhing as well. Take a look at this kid! (Sorry about the crying Daniel in the background!)
Rachel is a natural fish and loves the water. Look how white she is!!
Caleb is a little more reserved, especially when it comes to getting his face in the water.
They both did great and learned a lot for their first year.
Later in the week, we were at the park during a house showing. Daniel was sitting right next to me on a bench, and in the 2 seconds that I was focusing on keeping one of the other kids in line, he fell off the bench and smacked his head on the cement. That is a sound I will not soon forget.
He’s a tough kid though, and after a huge cry, he perked back up and was fine.
And just for fun…this kid thinks he’s a monkey!!
And the best news of the month: I got my birthday wish! We accepted an offer on our house this week. The offer was dated on my birthday, so it really was a birthday present!! We are supposed to close on Sept. 4, so we’re in apartment hunting mode now.
I hope to get a house update up later today or tomorrow. Please don’t keel over in anticipation!!