Sunday, December 28, 2014

Preschool Adventures


In early October we learned that Daniel would not be able to continue attending his preschool at Sound Beginnings.  It is a long and emotional story, and involves decisions and processes that are likely not legal…but we decided not to fight the system and conserve our emotional and physical energy for our family.

So Daniel moved to the preschool at our elementary, right in our backyard.  It is nice to have him close (but sure wish he could get more hours of service) and Rachel and Caleb love being at school with him!



The change happened so quickly that he wasn’t able to ride the bus for the first couple of days.  WHAT?!?!?  He rides the bus??  Yep, all 200 yards to the front door of the preschool!  We were told it’s a good experience for him to ride the bus, and it helps him practice some of his language and social skills.  Whatever.  All I can say is he looooooves it!!  The first day was a little scary for him, because of the noise and unfamiliarity.  Since then, it has become the highlight of his day.

Is it coming yet??



Here it comes!!



Bus #61.



Daniel has been thriving (but sometimes being a wee bit naughty) in his new school.  He has a great teacher with lots of awesome aides and therapists.  I was lucky enough to get to go on a fieldtrip to the pumpkin walk with his class.  It was so fun to sit next to him on the bus and see just how excited he is to be a big kid.  We passed Jared’s work and he knew right where we were…


The pumpkin walk was fun, but a little overwhelming for his little legs and attention span!  He was NOT a fan of the character cut outs!



We are happy with the progress this kiddo is making.  He is using more words (over 60 words/approximations!!) and even signing more.  He is generally a happy and thriving kid who learns pretty quickly and captures hearts wherever he goes.

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