Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer So Far

Here we are - half way through Summer break!! I can't believe we will be half way through July this week!

We've been trying to keep busy...well, maybe busy isn't the right word. With 4 kids, two of them a handful on their own, we don't really have to try to keep busy!! I guess we've been trying to get stuff done and keep entertained!

Emily and Josh just finished up Fun and Fitness camp at the school. Basically, it was supposed to keep them physically active but having fun. Goal accomplished! They both said they wished it lasted all summer long. They got to have two off-site activities - mini golf and swimming at the aquatic center - which they absolutely loved!! Who wouldn't, though??!?

Em and Josh are also finishing up their last session of swimming lessons. I don't know if either of them really LIKE swimming lessons, but they've been good sports to go and get it done. We've told them they have to go, but they don't have to like it! I think knowing how to swim is something they need to do (this from someone who doesn't swim very well)! Here they are on their performance day for the first session. Looks like they're having fun to me!

We have also been trying to keep up with the garden. If you looked from the house, you would wonder if there was anything out there besides weeds!! With all the rain we got throughout June, the weeds pretty much took over. We (mostly I) have been trying to get them back under control. Emily and Josh were loving the $$ they were earning at first, but even that isn't enough to entice them into the heat! I don't blame them though! It looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of tomatillos! Hope Jared can find a really good salsa recipe or we're going to turn into the tomatillo bandits and start leaving them in cars while we're at church!

We've had a few bike rides, but we can't seem to keep tires filled with air. The kids LOVE when we do get to go. We almost always end up at the park for a while too.

Last night we went to Providence Canyon for some dinner and shooting. Yes, you read that right! Jared did some repairs on a gun or two and had to make sure he did everything OK. He told us all we needed to stay in the van while he shot the first rounds, just in case. Um, yeah! That made me feel really good! I was concocting an emergency plan in my head, just in case! Thank goodness he did everything right and didn't have any problems! He even let Emily and Josh shoot his 22. Instant heaven, especially for Josh! Sidenote: I brought the camera to take some pictures, and what do you know - that battery was dead!! Dang thing!!

And, to top it all off, we've had another round of the sickies. I really can't believe it myself! You'd think we'd be safe in summer, but no. Coughs, throw ups, fevers, you name it!!
And all in the name of summer fun!!

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