Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Rachel!

I can't believe it has already been THREE years since our sweet little Rachel rushed into the world! Time really does pass more quickly each year! And my how things change! Here's a little walk down memory lane, starring Rachel.

A few days old
One year old (and loving brand-new Caleb)
Two years old
The Birthday Girl!

Here are a few tidbits about Rachel:
  • She loves to sing, especially I am a Child of God and I Love to See the Temple. She hums and sings all the time!
  • She loves candy (not much of a surprise), fruit, granola bars and pepper jack cheese.
  • She is full of personality and spit fire. Don't mess with her because she knows how to defend herself!
  • She still has red, naturally curly hair, though not as curly as when it was short. It is amazing how long her hair really is (and she's never had a haircut)!
  • She knows lots of letters and loves to let us know when she sees any that she knows.
  • She loves everybody (and she tells me all the time that she does)!
  • She loves to be a helper.
  • She is a really good sleeper.
  • She loves to go on walks and bike rides and play at the park.
Rachel is such a special girl. We love her to pieces and are so thankful to have her in our family. There is something about her that is different - hard to explain - but I think she has a very strong spirit and will do amazing things in life.

We love you Rachel! You add such an amazing amount of warmth and love and energy to our lives.

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