Friday, November 23, 2012

Building a House: Busy Little Mice

We’ve been busy…super busy!  We’ve spent the past 10 days (maybe more?) painting.  And boy is there a lot to paint!  The basement is waiting for a second coat, the main level is about 50% primed, and the bonus room hasn’t even been touched.  We’re hoping to get the rest of the priming and the ceiling paint finished today.  Then the walls tomorrow.  And I’m guessing we’re going to have to run to the paint store for more paint before it’s all said and done.  I can’t wait until this part of the process is done!

The outside of the house is all complete and we’re pretty happy with how it looks!


And now for a question of utmost importance:  If this was YOUR house, what color would you paint the front door?  (I’m at a loss!)  Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I am so thankful for so many things, and I am very glad to have a day to reflect and remember those things.

Things such as:

  • The world’s greatest husband
  • Five amazing children
  • A roof over my head (sort of two roofs, actually)
  • Plenty of food to eat,
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Freedom
  • Extended family and ancestors who have helped make me who I am (or who have at least tried desperately to make me into something!)
  • A mostly healthy body that lets me do pretty much anything I care to do
  • A vehicle that lets me make trip after trip to schools every day (plus all those other important places like the grocery store, the bank, and the home improvement stores!)

And today, on this beautiful Thanksgiving morning, I am so very thankful that I don’t have to life a paint brush, use a paint sprayer, or even look at a bucket of paint!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Since Daniel only kept his R2D2 hat on for 3.27 seconds on Halloween, I wasn’t able to grab a picture.  So, camera in hand, I stuck the hat on him first thing the next morning.  It worked…and I even caught a smile from him!


Cutest kid ever!