Look what we woke up to this morning!! I know it's a little hard to tell, but that is really SNOW!! I know it's good for us, but I'm just not ready for winter to start when it's barely the first day of fall!! Let's hope this is not an indicator of the kind of winter we'll have this year.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Merry Christmas...in September???
Monday, September 18, 2006
Apple Days
Every summer and fall in Cache Valley, each smaller city has a clebration to remember and highlight its heritage. The celebrations range from trout and berry days, to sauerkraut days, to black and white days. Our town - River Heights - celebrates Apple Days because there is a big apple orchard on the east end that I'm sure is why River Heights exists.
One of the events of Apple Days is a SMALL parade through town - and I mean small! This year our primary invited all the kids to come ride their bikes in the parade. The kids felt so special to be part of the parade. But Emily wondered why we didn't bring any candy to throw to the people watching, and Josh kept saying that he wanted to ride on the sidewalk because he didn't want to get run over!
We got him mainly for spider control. Here in the west, we are so unlucky to be almost overrun by the lovely hobo spider. Our rock walls in the backyard seem to be a hobo haven, which makes me sooo nervous. I really don't want to deal with a child bitten by one of those things - it's pretty nasty. So, I was reading up on the spiders and discovered that cats will eat them. No one had to talk me into getting a cat after that. I was the one doing all the convincing and looking! Go get 'em Tiger!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Back to School
Emily said it was fun to go to school and she even made some new friends. She loved seeing all of her Primary friends on the playground. When it was time for bed she said, "Can I go back again tomorrow?" I'd like that in writing please!!
When I took her this morning - day 2 - she said "Why are you coming in with me? I thought you were just going to drop me off!" Makes ya' feel so good to know they need you!
Josh seemed to be a little lost without her. He kept saying, "When are we going to go get Emily?" He was so excited to go see her in her classroom at the end of the day. He got a big smile out of her when she saw him through the window in her classroom door!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Can it really be?
Utah does have some flexibility in its school systems, however. We were allowed to have Emily assessed and, academically, she was very ready to go to first grade. So, we made the decision that she should skip kindergarten and jump right into first grade. We always knew she was a smartie, we just had to prove it. The teachers and principal were very impressed with her reading and math abilities.
So now, we're doing those last minute chores to be ready for tomorrow. Tonight we get to go to back-to-school night and meet teachers and all those other people that help run schools. Then tomorrow I'm sure I'll be crying my eyes out as I send her off by herself for an entire day (I did it for the entire first week of kindergarten in Cali!).
The first day of school seems to be one of those funny-myserious things. We anticipate it for the first 5 or 6 years of their lives, and then we cry our eyes out because we can't believe it's already here. And we spend our days wondering instead of watching and being involved in almost every minute of their lives. Is she really ready? Will she be Ok? What is she doing right now? Did she eat all her lunch? Are the big kids being nice?
It's just one of those bittersweet moments. You see what you'e embarking on and cherish where you've been.
Friday, August 18, 2006
He's back!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
What a Surprise!
Thanks for getting in touch with us, Amanda! How fun to catch up again. We hope all goes well with baby #3 and keeping up with Bryce, Nicole, and life in general. If anyone can do it, it's you!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Spending the Day with Grandma

After visiting with Greg, we went to see my Grandma and Grandpa Farnworth. I haven't been to their house in such a long time. It brought back so many memories of the fun times we spent there as kids. Emily and Josh had fun playing with some of my cousins (one of whom is younger than them!) while I visited with Grandma and Grandpa and my Aunt Heidi. I wish I would have taken some pictures, though! Emily had a lot of fun with Madison, and Josh was thrilled to have Nicholas to play with. Thanks you guys!
After that, we went back to Mom's house to have lunch and play in the pool. The kids had a blast playing in the water and playing with the dog (but not in the water!). Josh turned into Mr. Muscle Man, giving us a show of all of his muscles. It was soooo cute! I didn't get any pictures of it, but did get it on video. Emily was enjoying playing with the dog, trying to teach her how to fetch. It really is hard to teach and old dog new tricks!
Thanks for taking the day off for us, Mom! We had a great time and hope we can do it again some time soon!
Bear Lake
It was so nice to be together and just relax - as much as you can while trying to keep the kids out of trouble! We all really liked sitting in the dark and watching the stars. Jared taught the kids all about the big dipper, so they get quite anxious to look for it almost every night now. We saw a lot of shooting stars, satellites, and even the space station passing by! It rained on us while we were sleeping in our tents, but everyone was so tired that it was hardly even a bother.
Saturday morning we got up and went to play in the lake. It was so cold!! And I thought the ocean at Santa Barbara was cold! We all got used to it, though, and had a lot of fun floating on tubes, throwing the frisbee and football, and having races. The kids loved playing in the "sand" and made a sand castle and then a volcano.
Emily wanted to get in on the action too, so Uncle Eric buried her. She was a little worried when we told her to get out - she said she couldn't move. So we told her to wiggle her whole body like a fish does when it is on land. That brought a smile to her face, and she was able to free herself.
Happy Birthday Josh!

We had a search for mighty treasure, walked the plank, played in a pirate boat (otherwise known as a giant plastic tote!), and searched for dangerous crocs. And of course, what would a pirate party be without cake, ice cream, and all the candy treasure to go with it??!!

Arr, matey!! What a fearsome pirate you make, Josh!

Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Happy Anniversary
I love you Jared! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so thankful for the amazing support you have given me, especially over the past few months. You are so strong! I will always cherish the memories we have made, and I look forward to the years and memories ahead.
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Missing Santa Barbara

This is the kids and me (Jared is taking the picture) at Goleta Beach on New Years Day, 2004. We had so much fun playing together that day. I remember we dug a hole in the sand and put each of the kids in it and took their pictures. How fun it was to call all our family back in Utah and brag that we got to spend our day at the beach, while they were all stuck inside in the middle of winter!

This is Emily and me at a huge field of marigolds between Buelton and Solvang. Have you ever seen such a pretty field of flowers?? Emily's hair almost blends right in! This was in September 2004 when Jared's family came to visit. This was a fun visit for us. We got to spend some time with Jared's parents and his sister who returned from her mission to Toronto earlier that summer.

This is Jared holding Josh in September 2005. I believe this was above the Leadbetter Beach area. We were out driving around hoping to spot some dolphins, or maybe whales. No such luck this time. But we did get to see some excellent scenery. We were able to see a lot of dolphins while we lived in Goleta, but we never did see any whales. Maybe someday when we go back!

This is Josh and Emily at UCSB the week before we moved back to Utah in October 2005. We had just visited the touch tanks with our friends, Tamara and Ilan and Ingrid, Billy, & Seth. At the touch tanks the kids got to hold sea stars, sea cucumbers and other sea creatures. We even got to touch a shark! Maybe never getting to see any whales isn't so bad after all! How many people can say they've touched a shark!
We miss all you Santa Barbarians, and hope you'll send us an email if you're reading this. Or leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!
Monday, July 31, 2006
It's Fun to be Five!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles!!

We had some fun with home-made bubbles yesterday. Emily and Josh really enjoyed trying all the different "tools" to see which would make the biggest bubbles. A regular old drinking straw made the most traditional sized bubbles. Emily got some good ones by blowing into the small end of a funnel. Josh got some really good ones by blowing into a string tied between 2 straws. My favorite of all, though, was when Emily started blowing them out of her mouth because she had so much solution on her when she used the funnel! What a cute little Santa she makes!

Thursday, July 20, 2006
What can YOU do with a slinky...??

...Besides the usual walking it down the stairs of course!! Josh got quite creative playing with our new slinky today. From an "eye falling out" to a Santa beard to Mr. Muscle Man, the uses are endless. Get one today and see what YOU can do with a slinky!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Fruits of Our Labors
And this is a good shot of our back yard. Everything just looks so much nicer when the dirt and rocks are covered up. This is my favorite part of our yard. The rock walls that our builder put in really come to life with the grass in place.

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Loose Tooth, Part 2

It looks like the fun of lost teeth is just beginning for Emily. The one right next door to the lost tooth is wiggly too. Probably won't be long before the tooth fairy comes back!
**It's probably obvious, but the reason this posting is so delayed is because Emily was pretty sick for quite a long time. Thankfully, she's all better now and mostly back to normal.**
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Little Things
- Tylenol and Ibuprofen to help a raging fever
- a doctor who really knows what she's doing
- the ability to breathe without difficulty
- the ability to move around on your own
- the comfort of the Holy Ghost
- the power of a priesthood blessing to soothe and comfort a restless child
- all of the modern medical conveniences and knowledge that can allow a child to recover from something that, 100 years ago, probably would have taken her life
- antibiotics
- x-rays
Friday, May 26, 2006
Congratulations Graduates!

This was such a fun night for our family. It's always fun as a parent to get to watch your kids shine and enjoy the absolute sweetness that oozes out of them.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Artwork of a 5-year-old

This one is just looking up into the sky from our backyard. Quite artistic! I think we could sell it as a postcard!

This one is a mega close-up of Emily's Dora watch. Does anybody know what time it is??

Happy Easter 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
What a Mess!

We had a guy come trench our yard on Saturday so we can put in a sprinkling system.

Loose tooth!

Brand New!