It happened. Summer break ended and school started.
Emily is a big Sophomore! She is looking forward to getting her learner’s permit, starting Winterguard again, and lots of fun with friends.
Josh is in 8th grade at a new school. Next year will be another new school for him, as the new high school will be finished up. That means 4 different schools in 5 years for him! He’s looking forward to guitar and NOT having two hours of English/language arts!
Rachel is an adorable and slightly hesitant 3rd grader. Looking forward to cursive and times tables!
Caleb is a cool and confident 2nd grader. So cool, in fact, that he walked himself to his own class while I was hugging Rachel at the doorway to hers. He thought he was going to get away without a hug and kiss!! He’s looking forward to math and minions (his classroom theme)!
Daniel is going to rock his last year of PreK! We can’t wait to see the growth that will happen for him this year.
And this is what happens when we try to get one of everyone together. PURE CHAOS!!
Happy Back to School!! It’s gonna be a great year!
It’s hard to believe this summer is coming to an end! Even though the month of July sort of evaporated, we still had lots and lots of fun. Here are some of the exciting things that happened. (In the interest of getting this posted, I am going to skip the pics for now. Getting the memories recorded is more important!)
We went to St. George to kick off the summer. We saw Indian petroglyphs, went on a RAZR tour through the sand dunes (where we saw lizards and packrat nests and Moki marbles), drove through Zion (in the rain) and especially loved the tunnels, played at a great park, swam in the hotel pool, ate too many yummy treats, and stopped at Kolob Canyon on our way home. Funny things: an Asian lady kept calling our room and telling us to stop running (we were literally tiptoe-ing), and we also ran into one of Jared’s bosses at a restaurant.
Caleb turned 7 the day we came home from St. George! We stopped at Thanksgiving Point’s dinosaur museum to start off the fun and then came home for presents and treats.
We went to Lagoon, our annual tradition thanks to Cook Martin Poulson. Everyone was sad that Cannibal wasn’t open yet. But we managed to have a great time anyway.
Jared made raised garden beds for our vegetable garden. Then we spread 200 wheelbarrow loads of woodchips around the non-grassy areas of the backyard. We planted a garden for the first time since 2012!! We have been enjoying an abundance of zucchini and yellow squash, and are just now starting to get green beans and cucumbers. We are anxiously waiting for the tomatoes to turn red!
We got family pictures, and we’re very happy with how they turned out!
Emily went to Girls Camp and Josh went to Scout Camp.
We went to Seven Peaks and had fun playing in the water!
I had surgery to fix some problems in my small bowel caused by Crohn’s Disease. Four days in the hospital and then several weeks of recovering at home…the reason for July’s evaporation. We are crossing our fingers that this will keep me healthy for a long long time.
Daniel learned how to open doorknobs and climb out of his crib all in the same week! Enter the toddler bed! He’s been great about sleeping in it. We just have to have a doorknob cover on the inside of his door so he stays in his room!
We had a fun family reunion at Tony Grove. Even though we didn’t camp, everyone had a blast. Paddleboards, kayaks, cousins, good food and a fire…all the essentials for a great day.
We visited Minnetonka Cave. The 90-minute tour probably seemed like a 3-hour tour to Jared, who had to carry Daniel in his arms and on his shoulders the whole way.
Josh turned 13, which means we officially have two teenagers now! Yikes!!
Jared and I had our 16th anniversary. We recreated our first date with the kids and had a great evening.
Emily had a piano recital and performed her own composition, called Autumn Winds.
We went camping…finally!! We really need to go more often and/or stay longer. Getting it all ready is so much work! We found a nice spot in Blacksmith Fork Canyon and had a blast…even with the rain and our close encounter with a skunk!! Thankfully no one got sprayed.
Rachel was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints today. She has been looking forward to this day since she was old enough to know what baptism is! We are proud of her decision to follow Jesus Christ and become a member of His church.
Of course she chose the baptism suit with ruffles! Girly girl!
The dress she picked out and absolutely loves!
Primary friends who came to support her.
Family who came to support her. That’s a big group!!
Our group. I can’t believe how fast we’re all growing up!!
Rachel had a birthday, shout hooray! She was so easy to shop for this year…she knew everything she wanted and had a list prepared for months. The best part is that most of it was not toys!!!
She requested Twilight Sparkle cupcakes for her treat. Twilight Sparkle is one of the ponies from My Little Pony. You can probably guess that she loves MLP. Here’s a picture of Twilight Sparkle so you can see how mom got the inspiration for the fun (and super sugary) cupcakes.
Rachel (and everyone else) loved the cupcakes and she was especially excited about turning 8! She is so much fun and we are glad she is a part of our family.
Here are 8 things about Rachel:
Though he doesn’t really understand the concept of birthdays yet, Daniel sure enjoyed the attention and presents and fun of his special day.
He LOVES Elmo, so of course he was lucky enough to get Elmo cupcakes as his treat. They were a huge hit!
This kid is so much fun! The personality just oozes out of him. I love how excited he gets!
He is also super curious and definitely one determined kid.
He is loved and adored by everyone!
A few things about Daniel:
Here is a fun little video of Daniel identifying a few colors. He knows many more than this, though!
Some of our December activities…
Visiting Santa. Daniel still hates him!
Josh’s band concert and Emily’s recital
Gingerbread houses. Warning: there was an overabundance of sugar consumed during the making of these houses!
A visit to Temple Square to see the lights.
We also had a fun party with Grandma and Grandpa Beckstrom, aunts and uncles and cousins too.